Monday, January 18, 2010


Eagles fans, you can breathe a sigh of relief. The Cowboys aren't winning the Super Bowl this year.

Yesterday, the Minnesota Vikings dismantled (I love that word) the Cowgirls. All the "Romo has arrived" and "that Cowboys defense is playing great" talk has been replaced with "oh, right, Wade Phillips blows" and "Romo enjoys male genitals in his mouth." It's glorious.

So, Cowboys fans, fuck you. Go home, crawl under a rock and hide again until September. No one likes you, not even your mother. But she sure does love my dong.

Oh, and how great is it that the Vikings ran up the score on the vagina wearing Cowboys? Seriously, Keith Brooking, stop sounding like a 16-year old girl whose boyfriend just dumped her two days after she spent hundreds of dollars throwing him a suprise birthday party. Get over it already.


  1. wow that birthday party analogy was...vivid. personal experience?

  2. well weitz . your childpathetic in most ways doesnt cover your praise of the cowboys even tho in your mind you arnt loil.. no class boy!
